Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Some-what Short Rant #1

I hate it if my love ones starting to argue with each other. I hate it when I got to be stuck in the middle and have to decide which side to be on. I hate thinking that they won't get along or don't give a f*** about how I would feel if anything happens to either of them when sh** like this happens. Please, STOP IT!! It's pressuring and it's slowly killing me. If you guys love me (like or whatever), do me a favor and SHUT THE F*** UP with your ego and for once, consider my feelings. I don't want to lose anyone. You have no idea how painful it will get for me when I lose someone I care the most. Just please, at least, try to get along. I get this kind of stuff a lot at home, family members included. There are a lot of shouting, screaming, beating and abusing. It's haunting me and knowing the fact that it's going to happen to the people I love, It'll break me.

I love you guys so much. Please, think twice before you react and think about others too.

p/s: I'm working on the 14th and today's already sh***ing me to enjoy my last 2 days of freedom. I wish I could enjoy them but seems like I couldn't 'cos what had happened to me recently.

End of Rant

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Try? I love you and everything but I'm not going to use a facade, man. We should talk. You don't even know half of my story for the past few years.
