In the dark with my candleRimba is facing a major black out... again. This is the 2nd time that it happened this year. The first time happened last week on Wednesday at 10PM and it power's back on at 2AM. Now it happened again.
How I got online, you asked? I'm using
Go!broadband right now and my laptop's using its batteries. So, now I'm just facing my brightly lit laptop with my candle on the side. Haven't eaten dinner yet.
Hearts, Fae/Vie
I didn't actually ask how you got online. That sentence defeats the purpose of rhetoric's. LOL.
You guys are so unlucky to have black outs repeatedly. It's not panas though, right?
Yeah, I broke the purpose of rhetorics but whatever. Hehe.
Yep, it was kinda hot there, though, eventhough it was at night. You just end up feeling sticky. Hehe.
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